Erudite in libraries canvas prints
A well-stocked and properly maintained library should have a selection of books from all periods of world history and cover a nearly endless range of subjects and fields. In ancient times, Alexander the Great established one of the most comprehensive libraries in the world in Alexandria, Egypt. He filled its grand hallways with every scroll of knowledge, science, and wisdom he could get his hands on. Photowall shows great respect for this revered institution of learning with “Research Library”, “Monastery Library”, and “Library in Berlin” in its splendid collection of libraries canvas prints. These images showcase some of the more artistically constructed libraries in the world. Hang a few of these libraries canvas prints in your recreation area, and give the space a more mature and sophisticated atmosphere. Your grown-up amusements will feel all the more exciting with these libraries canvas prints all around you. You may also wish to display a few of these libraries canvas prints in your lounging room. The very sight of these libraries canvas prints can ease away all the day’s cares and worries. There is practically no place in your home where these libraries canvas prints cannot bring color and life.
Scholarly in libraries canvas prints
The United States Library of Congress contains not only every tome and collection of books in the world, but every vinyl record, microfilm, and newspaper that circulated in existence. It is touted as being the foremost place of research for any scholarly work. It is said that even the lost Gospels of the Apostles of Christ, the ones that were not allowed by the Council of Nicea to appear in the Bible, reside in this building’s reserved section. Photowall lets you have a glimpse of the visually arresting with “Reading Stuff”, and “Library of Science” in its amazing collection of libraries canvas prints. Hang these libraries canvas prints inside your own mini-libraries or in your private study to make you feel like a learned scholar, contemplating the intricacies of existence. You may even display these libraries canvas prints atop your bed, in your sleeping areas, to give the space a feel of peace and quiet. These libraries canvas prints will make you feel as if you’re closing your eyes amidst a world of knowledge. Your moments of slumber will never be calmer and more rejuvenating than with these libraries canvas prints in your room.
Cultured and cultivated
At some point in the early 20th century, all libraries in the world switched their cataloging and filing method from the Dewey Decimal to the Library of Congress system. This made for a more efficient and organized process of compiling all the books in their buildings. It is a little-known fact outside scholarly circles, that the Vatican Library in Rome, which houses nearly every single piece of printed word since before the birth of Christ, is also a bank. It lies several hundred feet under the ground and can only be accessed by a special elevator. Permission to enter and research in this facility is given only by the Council of Cardinals or by the Pope himself. Inside its solid marble walls and oxygen-regulated environment sits every treasure that Christianity has accumulated since its inception. The Vatican Police and a regiment of the Swiss Guard, the Pope’s own personal retinue, monitor all the entrances and exits of this underground structure. Photowall’s libraries canvas prints remind us that these structures are not only stately conclaves of wisdom and intellectual riches, but are also the home of some of the most controversial and guarded secrets of our collective existence. Display these libraries canvas prints in every room in your home.